September 22, 2017
In a feature piece by Javier Hasse of Benzinga, he discusses how Front Range Biosciences and our Co-Founder and CEO, Dr. Jonathan Vaught, leverage tissue culture cloning to improve consistency for farmers. Read an excerpt from the article below:
"Of course, scaling up brings benefits and challenges. As the size of grow operations increases, so does the difficulty to control every single plant to ensure its health and quality consistency among batches. Furthermore, keeping diseases and plagues at bay becomes more important than ever, as an outbreak could result in millions in lost product. For reference, a single outbreak in a medium-sized cultivator can generate damages of more than $500,000.
"In this context of tumbling prices and margins, and surging scale, space for error is thinner than ever. Fortunately, Front Range Biosciences, a CanopyBoulder graduate, offers a solution to this issue: Tissue culture cloning."
For more details, view the full article on Benzinga.
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