
Growing Hemp: Best Practices for Success – Episode 1: Successes & Failures of 2019

January 6, 2020

To guide farmers through their hemp production experience, we developed a video series with Aligned Distributing LLC, titled Growing Hemp: Best Practices for Success. This series provides key lessons from successes and failures of 2019, discussing field prep, genetics, planting techniques, irrigation and nutrition, in-season preventative practices, and harvesting your crop. Watch our introductory video, "Episode 1", for a sneak peak on these topics and read below for lessons learned!

A few key points:

1. Be sure to test your water and soil content, ensuring that parameters, such as pH and salinity, are in balance.

2. Hemp does not like wet feet. So, adjust irrigation when planting in low areas and poorly drained soil.

3. Be aware of underwatering late in the crop cycle as doing so could risk increasing THC content.

4. If you're growing in a humid climate, consider increasing your crop spacing to increase airflow, thereby reducing conditions prime for pests and disease.

5. In regards to testing cannabinoid content, test early and test often to ensure your THC concentration does not exceed the legal 0.3% limit.

6. When selecting plant varieties, use appropriate hemp varieties that have been tested or trialed in your region.

7. Scout for insects as a preventative practice for limiting damage to your crop.

8. Walk the field daily to determine the overall health of your plants.

Watch the full video to learn more about these topics and stay tuned for "Episode 2: Field Prep"!

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