July 24, 2020
In a recent article, the Delmarva Now Daily Times (USA Today Network) discusses how Rylie Maedler, the teen who changed Delaware medical cannabis, launched a hemp farm in Virginia. Rylie is CEO of Rylie's Sunshine, a cannabis research and development company and the founder of the Rylie's Smile Foundation nonprofit. Through partnering with Front Range Biosciences' hemp field trial program, Rylie's Smile will learn how to most effectively grow hemp on their farm and provide other pediatric patients with the benefit of medical cannabis just as she did. Read an excerpt from the article below regarding her experience:
"In 2013, when Rylie was seven, her painful, shifting teeth seemed at first to only indicate that she'd need braces.
"When her teeth started rapidly falling out and her face started changing shape, her parents realized something was very wrong.
"Numerous doctor's visits later, Rylie had a diagnosis: aggressive giant cell granuloma, an ultra-rare degenerative bone disease that behaves similarly to cancer. With the tumors threatening to cause facial deformities and her daughter experiencing painful seizures, Rylie's mother, Janie, was desperate for solutions."
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